RADTriage Technology

US Department of Homeland Security field tested RADTriage/SIRAD with 800 first responders from New Jersey, New York and Illinois in 2006. The study recommended use of RADTriage by military, first responders and public.

In supporting development of RADTriage, CTTSO sought to make available in market place a rugged, reliable and affordable casualty radiation dosimeter for use by military, public safety, other critical response personnel and public.

Out of 50,000 RADTriage we sold after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant incident, we received only three minor complains about the FIT indicator in the two years of use.” AucSale, Tokyo, Japan, a distributor.

The results of this research indicate that RadTriage cards could be a good tool to provide for routine use by emergency first responders.
8,000 RADTriage were used in the field by first responders in Israel for two years. We did not receive even a single complaint. Given the superb performance of RADTriage in the field, we are confident of another order from IMOD.” Dr. Guy Robin, a distributor in Israel.
