Our Website
Our website was originally started back in 2006 as a way for friends and family to easily find information, guidelines and food lists in order to get started on a yeast free cleansing diet.
Since 2006 we have learned alot but our focus remains the same, “To help people successfully complete the yeast free diet by minimizing the challenges of a restricted meal plan.” Our site aims to help people learn what foods are acceptable and to incorporate those foods into delicious options for yeast free meal planning.
Today we are one of the leading sites on the internet for the topic and our website is used by thousands of people around the world who wish to take back their health. We hope you will take advantage of the articles, food lists and recipes that have helped countless others return to health naturally.
Our Logo
Our unique logo was custom designed and hand drawn by an artist in Argentina named Mercedes Rolandi. It represents the natural approach this diet takes in regaining balance and promoting general health. The original drawing was done using black china ink and ice cream sticks.
The logo itself contains three leaves which represent life, health and the balance between the two. The color green is representative of vitality and nature with the lighter green on the left transitioning to the darker green on the right. It was important that the logo being created for our site should reflect what the company stands for and the message of wellness it represents.
Our Company
The parent company for www.TheYeastDiet.com is PbC Publishing Co. out of Charlotte, NC. To learn more about our company or to contact us please use the “Contact Us” page.